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Cancellation policy


FREE CANCELLATION until 48 hours before your arrival is applied into all reservations.
In order to confirm a reservation, a payment equal to the first night will be charged into your credit card. This amount will be displayed during the reservation proccess and into your reservation form. First night payment is a guarantee of your reservation. Cancellation fee won’t be retained always provided that cancellation is done before the time established as deadline (at local time of the hotel) on the day of arrival. Once the deadline has been passed, Balansat Resort will retain your payment cancellation fee as compensation.The cancellation fee of Balansat Resort is equal to the price of the first night (VAT and taxes included)The deadline arrival times at the hotel is: 2 days (48 hours) before arrival day.

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Av. Balansat 2 – 07815 – Port de Sant Miquel
Illes Balears – Ibiza